Founded in London, 1886 by the Franklin brothers; Frederick & Albert began creating remarkable drinks, combining the finest natural ingredients after Frederick returned from America, inspired by the innovative, pioneering drinks he had experienced.
Over 130 years later, we continue that ethos, using our experience and expertise to craft exceptional award-winning drinks, naturally and without compromise.
Frederick embarked on a journey to the USA, noticing in the bustling cities of Chicago and Buffalo that America drank very different drinks to England. His explorations laid the groundwork for future adventures and sparked the spirit of innovation that would define Franklin & Sons.
Frederick began by running a confectioner’s shop on the high street, laying the foundation for what would become a household name.
Three great things happened; The Statue of Liberty was erected and dedicated to America, Jeckyll & Hyde was published, and the Franklin brothers began their journey by bottling mineral waters and making flavoured soda from a confectionery shop in Rickmansworth, London. Albert, George and Frederick’s humble beginnings marked the dawn of a new era in the beverage industry, driven by a pioneering spirit and a commitment to quality.
Taking inspiration from the confectionary in the shop, the brothers created all kinds of sodas in the beginning – Lemon Taffy Soda, Butterscotchade, Sparkling Fig and Stick Jaw Beer to name a few. In the end they came back round to the classics.
With new family arrivals, the brothers rebranded the business as Franklin & Sons symbolising his commitment to family and nodding to the entrepreneurship that got them where they were. This period also witnessed the birth of the iconic Franklin & Sons bottles, showcasing their acumen in design and craftsmanship.
The brothers embark on a year trip to India to find and taste ginger. On the journey back they avert near disaster when the sail rips by tying together all their new baggy pantaloons, that they’d taken a love to in India. Needless to say, they did not bring the trend back to England.
After a close call with a fermentation explosion, Ginger Beer becomes best seller for Franklin & Sons and Albert, realising the need to both keep up with demand and streamline costs, builds a returnable bottle system.
As the business flourished, George recognised the need to diversify their offerings. Venturing into new territories, they began to sell their drinks by horse and cart, a testament to their independent spirit and entrepreneurial acumen. With many family members serving as firefighters, the horses and carts also became an integral part of the fire brigade, showcasing their commitment to community service and innovation.
Frederick’s charismatic presence and quick thinking were put to the test when he encountered robbers while transporting overbubbling fermenting ginger beer back to the factory. With a flick of his whip, he thwarted the robbery and made the local newspaper.
Despite Fredericks heroics, it is Charlie, the lead stallion that is recognised with a medal of honour for his integral part in saving the Mayors prized cat from a tree. Charlie becomes the first horse in history to be honoured with a medal.
In an era marked by the fight for equality, Albert, Frederick, and George each brought their unique strengths to the table. While Albert possessed the muscle, George wielded intelligence, and Frederick exuded charisma. Together, they formed a formidable trio, united by their shared vision and unwavering determination.
With the business thriving, the brothers extended their reach beyond the factory walls. Volunteering as the chief fireman, Frederick becomes a pillar of the community, inspiring others with his passion and dedication to serving others. The expansion of the Rickmansworth site not only reflected their commitment to innovation but also laid the foundation for a heritage that spanned generations.
Adapting to evolving tastes and trends, Franklin & Sons expanded its flavours range to include Cherryade, Limeade, and Cream Soda, marking a moment of creativity and innovation that defined the brand. Their expertise in experimenting with flavours and ingredients set them apart as pioneers in the beverage industry, pushing boundaries and setting new standards of excellence.
There was never a messier time at the Franklin & Sons factory—getting cream fizzy was no clean affair. It took the brothers a year to realise they had made cream-flavoured soda, not soda-flavoured cream.
Witnessing further growth, Franklin & Sons expanded its facilities once again, solidifying its position as a leader in the world of soft drinks and sodas. Their commitment to excellence and innovation set industry standards, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.
The swinging sixties nearly ruined the business, as this family loves to dance. After a brief tour as a warmup act for the biggest band in the world, they decided to come back to making sodas. Or was it all just a dream?
After nearly a century of crafting delicious drinks, Franklin & Sons ceased trading, leaving behind a legacy of taste and innovation that would not be forgotten. Their expertise and dedication to quality had left an indelible mark on the beverage industry, inspiring future generations to carry on their tradition of excellence.
Recognising the brands potential, Global Brands breathed new life into Franklin & Sons, honouring its pioneering roots while infusing it with modernity and innovation. Our commitment to using natural ingredients and sourcing British produce where possible, both honours the Franklin family’s practices and reflects their expertise and dedication to quality, shaping the brand we know and love today.
Franklin & Sons continues to grow and thrive, distributed around the world and celebrated as pioneers of flavour since 1886. Our journey serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Franklin brothers.